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Thursday, October 2, 2008

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Tuesday, September 30, 2008

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Saturday, September 27, 2008

Debt Management Consolidation Credit Card

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Consumer Credit Counseling Debt Consolidation

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Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Chrysler Electric Car

Chrysler unveils electric car that gets 150 miles a charge.

Chrysler LLC said Tuesday it will sell a plug-in electric car in the United States by 2010, joining the race to develop a battery-powered vehicle to boost its environmental credentials.

"[We're] looking at a full line of electric vehicles," Chrysler chief executive Bob Nardelli said on the CNBC TV network. "We've made huge commitments, both from a resource standpoint and from a financial standpoint."

Chrysler, the third-largest automaker in the United States and number two in Canada, pledged to have at least one electric vehicle in showrooms by the end of 2010. It said some of its electric models might be tested in fleets as early as next year.

Chrysler unveiled a working prototype all-electric car badged the Dodge EV outside its corporate headquarters in Auburn Hills, Mich. The two-door sports car has a lithium-ion battery that can power it 150 miles on one full charge, the company said. It goes from zero to 50 mph in less than five seconds. A video on CBNC showed Mr. Nardelli and a reporter driving the car on a test track.

Chrysler gave the network an exclusive peak of the Dodge as well as three other electric vehicles – a minivan, a Jeep and a microcar known as the "peapod." The microcar is an all-electric beefed-up version of the low-speed vehicles Chrysler has been making and selling for 10 years under its Global Electric Motorcars unit to buyers in gated communities and elsewhere. The minivan and Jeep vehicles are hybrids that have small gasoline engines to back up the electric batteries. They can go 40 miles on pure electric power, Chrysler said.

Chrysler already builds traditional gasoline-powered versions of the minivans at its assembly plant in Windsor, Ont. It could also build any hybrid versions there.

The company's announcement comes one week after General Motors Corp. unveiled the production version of its Chevrolet Volt electric car at a ceremony to mark its one hundred years as a company. Mr. Nardelli acknowledged that although Chrysler is privately-held, it has to be "more vocal" in publicizing the technology it is working on.

This past January, Chrysler said it formed an internal team called ENVI mandated to develop electric drive vehicles. It showed three plug-in hybrid electric concept vehicles at the North American International Auto Show in Detroit the same month: The Chrysler ecoVoyager van, which has a fuel cell range extender; the Jeep Renegade, which has a diesel range extender, and the Dodge ZEO sports car.

Other automakers are also working on their own electric cars, including Toyota Motor Corp. and BMW AG.

All three Detroit area automakers have been pummelled by falling sales of pickup trucks and SUVs in the United States, long their big profit-driving vehicles. The companies are now pushing the U.S. Congress to free up $25-billion in loans to help them retool plants to build more fuel-efficient vehicles.

U.S. lawmakers last year passed legislation requiring car manufacturers to boost the fuel economy of their vehicles 40% by 2020. Canada has said it will adopt, at minimum, U.S. standards.

Source: Financial Post

Sunday, September 21, 2008

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First Daughter

First Daughter Reviewed by Elizabeth Willse

“First Daughter” is more nuanced than the usual fast-paced political thriller. Eric Van Lustbader, well known for his continuation of Robert Ludlum’s Jason Bourne novels, uses the search for a criminal mastermind to explore larger themes like parents’ grief, tensions between Church and State, and a young man’s struggle with dyslexia. The result is a substantial and thoughtful mystery that keeps the plot twists coming.

Dyslexia grants ATF Agent Jack McClure surprising flashes of insight in his search for the President-Elect’s kidnapped daughter, Alli Carter. “I envisioned Jack as being damaged” Van Lustbader mused. in an interview via e-mail in early August. “Like almost everyone else I’d always had a rather simplistic view of what this disability really was. Then I found out the truth and how parents could help their dyslexic children learn; it was a beautiful experience I wanted to share with others.” A keen visual sense gives Jack McClure an intuitive grasp of crime scenes. As tensions mount, McClure wrestles even more with his secret disability.

The most timely element of “First Daughter” is the tension between church and state. The incumbent president is a devout man, keen to keep religion at the forefront of government. As the tension surrounding Alli Carter’s disappearance mounts, the incumbent’s administration tries to use the secular humanist movement as scapegoats. Reading this during an election year is especially satisfying, as the novel stays tightly focused on the suspense of a far-reaching government conspiracy, without a preaching agenda.

“First Daughter” is a fascinating, complex and ambitious novel. Eric Van Lustbader does a terrific job of blending history, psychology, politics and suspense into a rich, textured story. Hopefully, we will see more of Jack McClure.

Monday, September 15, 2008

FDIC Insurance Limits & the Risk of $2.6 Trillion in Uninsured Deposits

Money market and mutual fund guru and MarketWatch columnist Bill Donoghue discusses FDIC insurance and uninsured deposits in his latest column, "Advice you can bank on: Uninsured deposits have no guarantees if your bank fails. Donoghue, who was perhaps the most important force in popularizing the money market fund in the late 1970'​s and early 1980'​s, says, "This is probably the most sobering, simple and useful investment advice you will ever receive: Do not leave uninsured deposits in any FDIC-​insured bank account."
Donoghue urges investors to pay heed to the $100,000 FDIC insurance limit, and says, "​No matter how good the coffee is at your local branch, no matter how much you fondly remember the toaster they gave you to open an account or how large the bank'​s office building (​which they probably don'​t own) is, the rules are simple: you are FDIC-​insured to $100,000 per person per bank." He cites a few exceptions to these rules, but we urge savers to ignore the higher limits on joint accounts and IRAs, and to act as if $100K is the maximum, period. (Of course, we prefer money market mutual funds to bank deposits too.)

We've been stunned by figures disclosing that over $2.6 trillion, or 37%, of the nation'​s $7.07 trillion in bank deposits is uninsured. Losses to savers from uninsured bank deposits over the past year and a half could rise to as much as $1 billion (​compared to zero on money funds). (IndyMac had $1 billion in uninsured deposits, but savers have received a payment of half of their money to date.) In a past "Link of the Day" entitled, "Government shuts down IndyMac," we quoted the Wall Street Journal story "Bank Fears Spread After Seizure of IndyMac", "[T]he percentage of uninsured deposits has doubled since 1992, climbing to about 37% of the nation'​s $7.07 trillion in deposits at the end of the first quarter."

In addition to reading Donoghue's excellent article, we suggest browsing the reader comments below the story. These indicate widespread confusion and misinformation about FDIC insurance, SPIC insurance, and uninsured money market mutual funds, and mutual funds in general. It's clear that savers and investors have ignored every warning issued to them and that Donoghue could use some assistance in reviewing the various protections that investors may or may not have. (See also our brief on a previous Donoghue story, "Money funds are likely to be safer than uninsured bank deposits.")


Stock Market Takes a Beating

The market is way down this morning. Merrill Lynch has been sold. Lehman is filing for bankruptcy. And on top of everything, the price of crude dropped over five dollars a barrel. There are some problems with the economy, it seems.

All I know about finance is what I read in a Barron’s book by that name, and some random stuff I watch on CNBC. Stock prices and the economy seem to me to be a lot like thermodynamics in that both are determined by random processes. The random motions of atoms determines temperature and pressure in a gas. The random buying and selling of stock determines prices and available capital. Just how smart is it to fund a business with a random process like selling stock to the highest bidder?

The stock market is how people raise money for their corporations by appealing to people’s urge to gamble. You invest in buying a stock hoping the price will go up and you can make money by selling it to somebody else. The only thing driving the price of stock is new people wanting to buy in to the investment. If people think things are going bad for a company, they will bail out like rats leaving a sinking ship. If nobody wants to buy, prices go down. What a wonderful system a stock market is. Appeal to people’s greed to get your hands on some of their cash.

The problems in the market are a reflection of the problems in the greater society. People lose their jobs, because companies switch over to cheap foreign labor. People without jobs can’t pay their mortgage. Mortgage companies lose money because people can’t pay their bills. Mortgage companies lose money so nobody wants to own their stock. Stock prices take a nosedive, and companies go bankrupt. What is the cause of the problem? Greedy companies trying to make more money.

The market is very complex and there are a lot of factors that affect it. Any time you have more than three bodies in a physics problem, you have random solutions to the paths of those bodies. There are many factors in economic equations, and a lot of those factors are pretty much best guesses. Thus, the price of stocks will fluctuate randomly. You have two possibilities when you buy stock. Stock goes up, or stock goes down. You can blame what happens to the price of stock on any number of things, but the bottom line is if nobody wants to buy and everybody wants to sell, the price will drop. All a drop in the market says is that people are cashing out their investments. Because of the cause-effect relationship of buying and selling on price, people will lose money today. This is how the market operates. It harvests money from the many to make the few wealthy.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

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